One year ago, we launched a new initiative to add donors to our community. It was called “The 72.” It was based on the passage in Luke 10 where Jesus sent out 72 disciples ahead of him.
"The Lord now chose 72 other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into the field."
(Luke 10:1-2 NLT)
If 72 new donors would commit to giving just $35 a month, they could fund an entire, additional production trip to an unreached people group somewhere in the world.
Since the launch of "the 72" initiative, we have added 63 new members to the community. We only need 9 more donors to meet our goal!
Some of these new givers are supporting at the $35-per-month level. Others have made a monthly commitment of $50, $100, or even more.
We need your help to reach our goal of 72 new monthly donors.
Will you join "the 72" by making a monthly commitment today?
If you can't commit to donate every month, will you give a one-time gift today?
Will you share this with others that might be interested in this Great Commission initiative?
OneMessage teams have made three production trips: two to Africa and one to Thailand.
The entire video Bible story library in the Ariaal-Rendille language has been completed.
New video libraries for the Luo tribe in Kenya and the Isaan people in Thailand have been started.
None of this is possible without the Senders who make up the community. That’s you!
Henry Wachira is a missionary to the Rendille and Ariaal-Rendille people groups. Pastor Henry is not from those groups, but he feels God’s call to reach them. So he moved to Marsabit County in Kenya to live among these unreached tribes.
Here’s a story from Pastor Henry of how he has used the videos recently:
“We have been using the videos for some months in the Lolukushu and Dispai villages. In Lolukushu, we have shown all the videos and many have received Jesus. In Dispai, we have one group where we are doing discipleship and discovery Bible studies. In this village, eight women have accepted Christ, and some have started attending our church worship services.” – Pastor Henry Wachira
None of this is possible without you!
Thank you for caring about oral learners in unreached groups who need the Word of God in a way they can see and understand.