This is the complete library of video Bible stories for the Turkana tribe in northwest Kenya. The stories are narrated in the Turkana language. Subtitles are provided to help our supporters understand the stories. NOTE: Subtitles do not appear on the final version used with the Turkana people. produces a library of video Bible stories using native speakers and indigenous actors, so people can see and hear the gospel in their own language.
The list of stories includes:
The Creation
The Fall of Adam and Eve
Cain and Abel
The Call of Abraham
Abraham and Isaac
The Birth of Moses
The 10 Plagues
The 10 Commandments
The Golden Calf
The Birth of Jesus
Jesus As a Boy
The Baptism of Jesus
Jesus Calms the Sea
Jesus Heals the Demon Possessed Man
Jesus Feeds the 5,000
Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man
Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead
The Prodigal Son
The Crucifixion of Jesus
The Resurrection of Jesus

How are the videos used?
Once the videos have been recorded and edited, they are available for download and are given to our mission partners on computer SD cards and as digital video files. Mission partners who are already working with a particular unreached people group, can then show the stories on their computer, tablet, or cell phone. The stories can be shared as digital files on phone messaging apps like “What’sApp”. The indigenous people can then carry the stories on their own phones and share it with friends and family independently of the mission partners. Our mission partners have also shown the stories, using video projectors or TVs, for larger groups by hosting “Movie Nights” in the villages where they work.