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Life moves pretty fast

Writer's picture: Paul WynnPaul Wynn

The great philosopher, Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” So here are a few things we didn’t want you to miss!


Word from the Harvest

Over the last six months, we have had a lot of amazing reports from our mission partners around the world. The most recent came from our partner reaching the Turkana people.

They took food and the video Bible stories to 500 people in an area that is described as “really hostile.” There were 70-100 professions of faith over a 3 day period! One mission worker described it this way:

“Despite being chased away by rival enemies, they were still willing to hear about this Christ. They still had feelings of hope that things could get better. To me, I think it was because they were saying, ‘these people are speaking our language.”


Word for the Senders

For the first four years of the ministry, our supporters gave enough to fund two trips a year to record video Bible stories with a language group.

Last fall, we believed God was calling us to step up the ministry to grow and impact more and more groups each year. So we started to ask with courage for more people to join the community. And many have responded.

Last month, at our fundraising banquet, nearly $15,000 was given or committed! We have been sharing the vision, and more donors, churches, and organizations have become “senders” to this mission of reaching the heart of every oral learner with the Word of God.


Word to the Field

God has continued to connect us with more mission partners who want the video library for their people groups.

In the last few weeks, we have met with new potential mission partners in Bangladesh and Peru. In both cases, these are unreached people groups who have little or no written language. If they are going to hear and understand God’s Word, they will need to learn differently.

And in less than three weeks, we will return to Kenya to begin a new project for the Luo people. There are five million people in this tribe, and fewer than 10 percent have been reached.

Our team will be gone from July 14th-24th, please begin praying for this trip: 

  • Pray for our team’s health and safety. 

  • Pray for our new mission partners.

  • Pray for the Luo people who will take part in the video production.


Word of Thanks

If you are a monthly donor, your faithful giving helps us plan and respond to new projects and opportunities as they arise. We truly couldn't do any of this without you! Thank you so much! If you would like to give a one-time gift for the upcoming Luo video Bible project, just click the button below.

If you've given a one-time gift recently, we appreciate your generosity! Your gift is helping us with the cost of editing video Bible stories in the Ariaal-Rendille and Isaan-Thai languages. If you would like to make an additional one-time gift for the Luo video Bible project, or if you would like to become a monthly partner, please click the button below.

If you have given sometime in the past, thank you! Your giving has helped get us to where we are today. Would you consider giving another one-time gift to help with the upcoming Luo video Bible project? If so, just click the button below.

And for those of you who have never given, but have prayed and followed our travels and projects, thank you for being friends of Today would be a great day to make your first one-time gift to support and the Luo video Bible project. Would you please consider clicking below to give?

Thank you all for supporting and our mission to reach the heart of every oral learner with the Word of God! God bless you!

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