The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into the field."
Luke 10:2 NLT
The Harvest is Great!
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, OneMessage.tv will be hosting its first fundraising banquet at West Milford Farm in Cumming, GA. We are hoping to have 100 attendees at the event. We will provide a catered meal to the attendees, while we share the vision and mission of OneMessage.tv.
This year’s theme will be “The Harvest is Great!” and we will share about the opportunities we have to produce video Bible stories for unreached people groups in Kenya, Thailand, Mexico, Ethiopia, Brazil, Cambodia, and other locations around the world. And of course, we will invite the attendees to join our financial support team at the end of our presentation.
Our hope would be to find individuals and businesses who might be willing to sponsor the event in order to offset the cost of the event expenses, such as facility rental, catering, etc.
Below is an explanation of the sponsorship levels that we are seeking and the benefits they will receive.
Level 1 sponsor – $1,000 or above (3 spots available)
Company name, logo, and web address, email address, and phone number listed on individual PowerPoint slide at the event
Company name, logo, and web address, email address, and phone number listed with other sponsors on page inserted into OneMessage.tv brochure that will be given to attendees at the event
Company acknowledged and thanked on social media along with company name, logo, and web address, email address, and phone number
Company acknowledged and thanked in email to supporters after the event, along with company name, logo, and web address, email address, and phone number
Invitation for 2 to join us for dinner on the night of the event
Verbal recognition and thank you on the night of the event
Level 2 sponsor – $500 (4 spots available)
Company name, logo, and web address, email address, OR phone number listed with other sponsors on PowerPoint slide at the event
Company name, logo, and web address, email address, OR phone number listed with other sponsors on page inserted into OneMessage.tv brochure that will be given to attendees at the event
Company acknowledged and thanked on social media along with company name, logo, and web address, email address, OR phone number
Company acknowledged and thanked in email to supporters after the event, along with company name, logo, and web address, email address, OR phone number
Invitation for 2 to join us for dinner on the night of the event
Level 3 sponsor – $250 (8 spots available)
Company name listed with other sponsors on PowerPoint slide at the event
Company name listed with other sponsors on page inserted into OneMessage.tv brochure
that will be given to attendees at the event
Company acknowledged and thanked on social media
Level 4 sponsor – any amount
Company name listed with other sponsors on PowerPoint slide at the event
Or mail a check to:
PO Box 304
Ball Ground, GA 30107
ONEMESSAGETV INC. is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity (Reg # 83-4259927). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law.