“The majority of people who give to the OneMessage.tv mission are later in life and more established in their careers or lives,” says Paul Wynn, missionary and cofounder at OneMessage.tv.
Tiffany Lopez and I are two donors who don’t fit that description.
Tiffany’s Path

For Tiffany Lopez, a Brooklyn, New York-based OneMessage.tv donor, it all started with the 72. The OneMessage.tv 72 For The Harvest campaign is taken straight from Luke 10:1-2 — “The Lord now chose 72 other disciples and sent them ahead… saying, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.’” In Tiffany’s words, hearing the mission of OneMessage.tv via the 72 campaign “left an impression” on her heart.
“I saw how engaged the people groups were with the content they were filming,” she says. “They were left with something that can empower them to share the gospel in a meaningful way.”

Tiffany grew up knowing who Christ was, but the depth of His love for her didn’t click until senior year of college. Post-college, she got involved with her local church, focusing on youth ministry and local missions. Her relationship with Christ and her passion for ministry deepened. When she learned about OneMessage.tv several months ago, she immediately signed up as a monthly recurring donor.
“Emphasis on sharing the Word outside of written text really shows a compassionate understanding of how to reach all corners of the earth.”
“Emphasis on sharing the Word outside of written text really shows a compassionate understanding of how to reach all corners of the earth.”
Hailey’s Path
My route to becoming a OneMessage.tv donor was a little different than Tiffany’s.

Growing up in a family that was heavily involved in ministry, I went on my first mission trip at age four. By 13, I was in Colombia, South America, interacting with members of an indigenous people group myself. In fact, I was present on the first short-term mission trip where the idea for OneMessage.tv was born. But when the chronic illness that had been slowly building over my entire life became debilitating — drastically changing my life for what seemed like the worse, yet also transforming my relationship with the Lord — I became unable to physically go. So instead, I decided to give.
"When the chronic illness that had been slowly building over my entire life became debilitating...I became unable to physically go. So instead, I decided to give."
Same Destination
Tiffany and I ended up at OneMessage.tv in roundabout ways. But we have two vital things in common.
Number one, we’re both young women who are still establishing our lives — financially and otherwise. I’m in my mid-20s, live on a single income, and my only dependent is my cat.
Number two, Tiffany and I have both personally tasted and seen the goodness of our Lord, which means we have a passion for seeing the gospel reach the ends of the earth. And more often than not, our calling to be a faithful steward requires consistency — not just making a one time donation so we can check off a tax-deductible box, but committing to partner with a ministry for the long haul so they can reach as many people as possible.
“I strongly believe that God is using OneMessage.tv to reshape how the gospel is spread”
“I strongly believe that God is using OneMessage.tv to reshape how the gospel is spread,” Tiffany says. “I count it as [a] privilege to contribute to that effort and [witness] the fruit of their labor by seeing the latest videos that were produced and hearing how different people were able to come together in Christ.”
At the end of the day, even though we might not look like your “average” OneMessage.tv donor, the reason we give is simple. Tiffany and I know Jesus. We know the goodness of His love and the precious words of the Bible — that they aren’t just Sunday School stories to fidget our way through, but true, life-changing accounts that secure life for eternity and for now.
And because of this, we both believe that no cost is too great to help send the gospel to every tribe and every tongue.
Editor's Note: OneMessage.tv produces a library of video Bible stories for unreached, oral learners. They use local indigenous people as the actors and narrators in the videos, so people receive God's Word in their heart language and in a way, they can see, hear, and understand. If you would like to help, click the button below.

Hailey Hudson is a full-time freelance writer based out of Atlanta, Georgia. She helps healthcare and tech companies with their content marketing strategies. Hailey is also an author, a musician, and a disciple.