Here's an update on our most recent trip to Lodwar, Kenya, as well as some quick updates on the rest of our current projects.
We worked with two churches in Kaakiring and Lolupe, and successfully recorded the first 10 video Bible stories for the Turkana people group.
Our trip was a great reminder of why this mission is so important. There are more than a million Turkana people spread across northern Kenya and into Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia.
The Turkana actually have a fully-translated Bible, but the vast majority of Turkana are oral learners, meaning they can’t read their language or they primarily learn from the tradition of storytelling.
We want to give a special thanks to Revolution Church in Canton, GA who is sponsoring this project. Also, thanks to SERV International, our mission partner in Turkana.
Watch the video below to hear from Moses Lorukudi, the Director of SERV in Lodwar, Kenya. He shares how they are planning to use the video Bible stories to expand their work of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
We have just finished editing the videos that we recorded last Fall in Samburu, Kenya and we hope to deliver those completed videos in the next few days.
Video production on location is just one portion of the process for completing a library of video Bible stories. Once production is complete, we then have to translate and record the audio narration for each story. Next, we edit each story together and prepare them for delivery to various mission partners around the world. This process can sometimes take several months. We're always working on streamlining the process so we can deliver the video libraries more quickly.
Pray for us as we look to expand our staff to meet the growing need.
Now that we've completed production on 10 new stories for the Turkana tribe, video editing will begin right away.
Pray for us as we edit the videos and that we can complete the videos in a timely manner.
We will return to Kenya in July to partner again with God's Grace for All Nations. This time, we will begin production on a new video library for the Rendille tribe. This will be the third people group we will work with in Kenya.
Pray for our travel plans to come together soon.
In 2019, began working with an indigenous unreached people group near Pereira, Colombia. We completed production on 12 video Bible stories and planned to return again in 2020. Then COVID hit and shut everything down. Colombia was hit especially hard by the pandemic and that has prevented us from returning. However, things are beginning to improve and we are tentatively planning to return to Colombia sometime in September or October to complete the library of videos for this people group.
Pray for the health of the missionaries and the people group we are working with, and pray that our trip will go forward soon.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. Please continue to pray, share, and give as we accelerate the spread of the gospel to the hardest to reach people groups in the world.
If you would like to partner with us to produce libraries of video Bible stories for unreached people groups around the world, please click the button below...