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Open Doors in Thailand, Impact in Kenya

Writer's picture: Doug KeeseyDoug Keesey

Thailand Update

On March 27, we had a very promising initial meeting with two pastors in northeast Thailand. They told us that 25 million of the 60 million Thai live in the Isan region that borders Laos and Cambodia. Less than 1% of the people are Christian; about 80% are Buddhist.

These pastors with “Love Northeast Thailand” represent churches of various denominations specifically coming together for evangelization and harvest.

They have a vision for video Bible stories to reach the Laos-speaking population, which would also allow the Gospel to extend beyond the borders of Thailand into neighboring Communist countries. The pastors work with the “Mekong and Beyond” movement, coordinating with key pastors in Laos and Cambodia.

"This is the first time we have ever seen local people acting out the Gospel. This is a unique tool, and we need it in Thailand!"

-- Thai Pastors --

To avoid the rainiest seasons and hottest temperatures, our Thailand arrival points to a November through February timeframe. We are praying that God continues to pave the way through conversation, logistics and financial support for us to start a Thailand project in January/February of 2024!


Samburu Update

Pastor Stephen Koiten, our translator for the Samburu videos, reports on the impact of the video Bible stories:

“Our congregation is growing due to a number of young boys and girls who are joining the church. The children love to hear the videos in their own language and are amazed that their own people are acting in the stories!"

Imagine the questions that follow this scene in the story of Abraham and Isaac, when the young people see Isaac tied up by his father in preparation for his sacrifice!

And this is Jesca Lenaper. In this photo, she is actually praying to receive Jesus! Pastor Stephen reports that she and her mother-in-law came to faith after seeing the video story of Jesus’ resurrection, followed by much conversation with the pastor.

Thank you for your donations! You are making this Gospel impact possible! Your commitment to SENDING is such an encouragement to those of us who are able to do the GOING.

Together, as God opens doors all over the world, we are reaching the heart of every oral learner with the Word of God.

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