Who knew it would be so involved to launch a new ministry? It's a little more complex than just creating a new company, but we're making significant progress. We're excited to announce that, as of March 9, 2019, OneMessageTV, Inc. is officially a nonprofit corporation in the state of Georgia! That's step number one.
Our next steps include:
Installing a board of directors to oversee, advise, and guide our ministry so we operate with the utmost accountability and integrity. We're almost done with this step and will be introducing the board in the very near future.
Setting up the ministry with new operating standards and bylaws
Applying for tax exempt 501(c)(3) status
Once we've finished these steps, we'll be cleared to begin accepting tax deductible donations and working with some major foundations that provide grants for the type of ministry work that we do. Hopefully we'll be able to share some awesome news on this front in the next 4-8 weeks.
While it's taking a little longer than we initially expected, we are moving forward with the calling God has given us for taking His story to the nations through video. It's an amazing journey...one that we hope you'll join us on. Please click the login/sign up button above so you can comment on our blog posts. If you sign up, you will automatically be notified when we add new posts here and you'll be kept up to date on all of our progress.
Most importantly, please pray!
Pray that God will guide us as we finish setting up this new ministry.
Pray that God will provide the funding needed to produce the video stories that will be used by missionaries and Christian workers around the world to share the gospel with lost people.
Pray that God will prepare the hearts of those that will view these video stories and that people will surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.
And pray about how God might lead you to get involved with oneMESSAGE.tv to impact individuals, villages, and people groups thousands of miles away.
Thank you so much!!
Praying for your new venture!