Nearly 80% of people in the world don't read well enough to understand the Bible, even if they have one in their own language.
Now, these oral learners are seeing and hearing the God's Word in their heart language. produces a library of 20 video Bible stories, starting with the Creation story and going through the Resurrection of Jesus. We use the local indigenous people as the actors and narrators in the videos, so people receive God's Word in their heart language and in a way they can see, hear, and understand.
These stories can then be shown in a variety of ways:
shown with portable projectors in large group settings
viewed on cell phones or tablets in one-on-one settings
sent to people anywhere using social media apps like WhatsApp
viewed on a YouTube channel for their language
* We promise we won't bombard or spam you. And we'll never sell your info to any third party.
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Hear what mission workers around the world have to say about these videos!
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As it is written, “Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.”
Romans 15:21