At oneMESSAGE.tv we always want to mark the milestones of the path where God is taking us. As I have mentioned, the journey began seven years ago with my first mission trip to South America. It was then more than two years ago, that we set aside an entire year to pray about this endeavor and whether it was the direction that God would have us go. Then last year, we began to prepare the communication to explain the vision of oneMESSAGE.tv. Now, this month we have hit a number of milestones that brings those previous steps into actual reality.

As of May, oneMESSAGE.tv is an official non-profit that can accept tax deductible donations. That means that we will begin to reach out to supporters who share our hearts for this tool of reaching all 3,200 people groups with the Word of God in a way they can understand. This step is very exciting for us because our goal is to write, record and edit our pilot library of videos by the end of the year. If funding comes in quickly enough we will be able to go on location in South America with our partner Christian workers to shoot the video later this year.
The next big step was the assembling of our Board of Directors. We want every step we take to be guided by prayer and wise counsel. So we have assembled a team of advisors on our board that reflects an array voices from different walks of life. In the coming weeks, we will introduce you to each of them, and allow them to share their heart for this tool.

Finally, in the next few weeks we will be asking our friends to help us make as many people as possible aware of oneMESSAGE.tv through their social media. Please be on the lookout for more information about our social media launch, and how you can help.
Here are four ways you can give electronically to oneMESSAGE.tv; 1) you can give electronically through your own online banking, 2) you can give through a paypal account, 3) you can give by credit card, and 4) you can give by scanning a QR code on your smartphone.
Please pray about how God would have you support oneMESSAGE.tv, and seek ways to share our mission.