Sponsor Levels
TITLE SPONSOR ($5,000) One available
12 golfer entries • dinner for golfers • company name on hole-in-one bay, two team bays, banner, and collateral • video loop entry – 6 rotations • exposure on website, social media, and email newsletter • 20 attempts to win hole-in-one cash prize of $10,000 • recognition at welcome and closing announcements
DINNER SPONSOR ($3,500) One available
6 golfer entries • dinner for golfers • company name on bay, buffet, and collateral • video loop entry – 4 rotations • exposure on website, social media, and email newsletter
BAY SPONSOR ($2,000) Five available
6 golfer entries • dinner for golfers • company name on bay and collateral • video loop entry – 2 rotations • exposure on website, social media, and email newsletter
AWARDS SPONSOR ($500) One available
sponsor for Best Team (1 award for each team member), Best Female award, Best Male award, Longest Drive award, and Closest to the Pin award • recognition at awards presentation • exposure on website, social media, email newsletter, and collateral
GIFT SPONSOR ($500) One available
sponsor for gift provided to all participants • exposure on website, social media, email newsletter, and collateral
per person fee covers golfer entr and dinner
6 golfer entries for FRIENDS participants • dinner for golfers • $50 per person discount when registering as a 6-person team
includes dinner • no golf
If you are not able to attend, but would still like to participate, you may make a donation below.
We will hold an auction of sports memorabilia, jewelry, and other items to benefit our charity. If you would like to donate any items to be auctioned off, please contact us at 770-800-6410 or doug@onemessage.tv to discuss further.
Longest Drive
Hole-in-One – $10,000 prize!
All golfers will get at least one chance in each contest.
Each golfer must register individually at omtvgolf.eventbrite.com. This info will be required at check-in for the event and to provide each participant with a FREE event T-shirt in their requested size.
You can also sponsor by mailing a check to:
OneMessage.tv TopGolf Sponsor
PO Box 304
Ball Ground, GA 30107
Please send an email to doug@onemessage.tv to inform us of your sponsorship if you choose to mail a check.
Thank you!